Poprsie bez silikónu pomocou kmeňových buniek

Doposiaľ je hojne rozšírené presvedčenie, že používanie silikónu predstavuje najmodernejšiu techniku pri zväčšovaní poprsia. Nie je to pravda

Toto je sprievodná diskusia k pôvodnej téme na https://www.zzz.sk/clanok/4336-poprsie-bez-silikonu-pomocou-kmenovych-buniek

Zaujimalo by ma, co moze stat take zvacsenie prsnikov pomocou vlastneho tuku, vie mi niekto poradit? Dakujem.

Ono to nie je lacný špás, a keď som pozeral dobre TV, tak najvyššia cena bola život.

Nieje to nejaka blbost? Aj ked v dnesnej dobe uz asi nie. Este vediet kolko taka operacia stoji…urcite to nebude lacne.

Tiez by ma zaujimala cena zvacsenia prsnikov pomocou vlastneho tuku ak viete cenu napiste.diki

no to nebude urcite lacna zalezitost

Ahoj ak vies cenu tych prsnikov mozes mi napisat?dakujem

Zdravim, takze cena sa pohybuje od 7000.- az do 18000.- Euro.
Tu je original mailu:The cost of the breast augmentation without silicone depends on certain individual factors which are typically determined in a consultation. It’s in the range between EUR 7,000 and EUR 18,000 including the basic liposuction performed gently using microcannulas, the laboratory process to enrich the fat with stem cells, and injection of the stem-cell-enriched own fat into the breasts. Prior to the procedure an appointment must be taken clear details of the procedure and your personal wishes. Consultation and procedure can be scheduled on two consecutive days making only a single stay in Vienna necessary.

The procedure can be performed under local anaesthesia or in twilight sleep and does not require general anaesthesia. You are thus fully mobile after the operation and able to work, depending on the type of work you are doing.

Best regards,
H. Wagner

1O 000 eur

Ahojte baby. Ja uz setrim. Sice mi to bude trvat aspon 5 rokov ale myslim, ze sa to oplati. Nechcem riskovat, ze mi praskne silikonovy implantat a podobne. A za 5 rokov uz by to mohlo byt vyrazne lacnejsie, no nie?
Teraz mam 45 tak budem zrela patdesiatka s krasnymi prsiami a nabalim si niekoho mladsieho :slight_smile: